My friend, Beckie, once said that if you want a pat on the back for something, you just post it on your blog. :) This is one of those posts. hehe
I'm a wanna-be graphic designer. As I've said before, I love to design stuff in Photoshop. About a year ago I started a little side business making photo cards. So far it's been for friends and family mostly (thank you family!). I just thought I'd post my most recent projects on here for you to 'enjoy'.
I recently renamed my design blog, so if you're interested in seeing more you can check it out here:
LJH Design.
I really just love designing, but would love it even more (wouldn't we all) if I could make money doing it. :) So, no pressure! Just enjoy! (But if you happen to send a referral my way, there are perks in it for you!)
My Nephew's Graduation Announcement Designs

Eagle Court of Honor Invitation

Baptism Invitation Designs

Website Header

Logo for Strikerfest Soccer Tournament