As many of you may know, it is $2.00 Tuesdays in August at Thanksgiving Point. My sister-in-law and I decided to go and check things out. It took us at least 10 minutes to get past the off ramp, 10 more to find a parking spot. While we were driving through the multitude of parking lots, we saw that the line for the dinosaur museum was
huuuuge. We opted to go to
Farm Country instead. We saved a 1.50 a person today (as opposed to the $6.00 each we would have saved at Dinoland), cured the kids boredom for a few hours, got plenty of sun,
smelled a plethora of farm smells, saw some
cute tiny baby bunnies, a baby goat, and a baby horse, stood in line for 45+ minutes for the kids to have a
free pony ride, fed some of the animals, smelled all the animals, got Wendy's for lunch with Grandma, and had a super fun time.
Really Big Cow

cute baby horse

Landon petting the cute baby horse

Katelyn petting the cute baby horse

Two goats Landon told me to take a picture of

Landon got to ride the 2nd biggest horse



I thought this face was hillarious

Grandma braving the horse poop to keep Sawyer on his horse

Katelyn, our future Rodeo Queen, rode the biggest horse

Landon's new timeout room