I realized that I forgot to post about Sawyer's birthday party and Landon's last day of school and so I'm playing catch up in this post. :)
Sawyer's Birthday:I did post about my sweet stinker turning two, I just forgot to post about his party. He made a great haul and loved most of all his new bike. He rode it around the house all night; we had a hard time getting him off of it for bed.

He was loving dogs (and still is) and especially dalmatians at the time, so I made him a dog cake. It was an interesting endeavor. It turned out ok. He loved it. Gertie gave him a copy of a picture they took of it and he carried it around for days.

Landon's Last Day of School:
Landon was both excited and a little sad that school was ending.
He really enjoyed his teacher, and I'm so grateful to her for helping him continue to love school.

We also got the pleasure of working with Mrs. Anderson, aka Sister Anderson.
It was fun to know her on both the school and the church front.
(Left : Mrs. Anderson Right: Mrs. Jensen)

Here's a picture of two of Landon's best friends from his class, Ben and Ethan.
The 4th of July and Nate's BirthdaySaturday night we did fireworks at Amber's house and planned to watch the stadium fireworks from there. About three spinning eyeballs into the event, Sawyer was petrified. I tried to take him inside and watch from the window. Still terrified. We went in to the kitchen where we couldn't see or hear and he was still a little skittish. So, Sawyer and I went home. Yeah for fireworks. :)
Sunday we celebrated Nate's birthday. I made him a sweet fish cake (if I do say so myself). It was actually kinda fun to do. I had a fish pan, so even though it was a bugger to get out of the pan, I at least had the general fish shape. Then I frosted it back together and painted it with watered down food coloring and accented it with some olive green frosting. Oh, just a little tip for all those who like to color frosting. You can add cocoa powder to your frosting to help darken the colors up. That's how I got the olive green color on the fins, tail and eye, and also how I got a decent black for Sawyer's dalmatian.

Monday we swam and BBQed at the Harris'. Over all it was a pretty fun weekend.