Monday, June 15, 2009

DI Finds

Growing up we had some sweet games that we played. One was pathfinder, which I would love to find. The other that we played most often, because it allowed for more than two players, was Probe by Parker Brothers. Nate and I hit the American Fork DI on Saturday and I happened to browse through the game section and to my surprise and excitement they had this game! All the pieces were there and it was only $2.00!! I'm super excited to have it. So, if anyone is feeling like a game of Probe, even if it's just for old times sake, let me know! :)

Our other find was this sweet little footstool that opens for storage. I am going to attempt to recover it. Wish me luck. If I end up making a mess of it, it was only $5.00. If it turns out super awesome, it was only $5.00! :)

1 comment:

beckie said...

Probe! Never heard of it, but I am always up for a game of words.

Yes, we need to get together soon plus I have a surprise for you.