Thursday, February 23, 2012

Primary Thoughts

About two weeks ago I was released as Primary President.  I have been serving in primary for about 7 years now (with a 6 month break when we moved).  I started in the 7th ward in the presidency and then was secretary after we moved into the 5th ward and then president for the past 3 years.  When I first started in primary it was honestly the hardest thing I've ever done.  It took me a while to learn how to deal with and teach the gospel to all the different ages of children.  I've never learned so much! What a blessing it is to be able to serve and learn skills that are so important for a mother to have.  All those young couples that serve in primary in our ward have have the great opportunity to learn how to relate to and how to teach children before they have their own.  I have loved primary so very much.  Granted, I wont miss all the administration aspects of serving in the primary, but I will so miss all the kids, the music, the wonderful teachers, and the sweet spirit that is there.  I love primary :) I hope you do too!!

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